Austere Environment Survival Series: Urban Evasion Seminar

Austere Environment Survival Series: Urban Evasion Seminar


The Lodestone Training and Consulting Austere Environment Survival Series will help you learn skills and techniques that could help save your life.  You never know when you might find yourself in a situation you hadn’t planned for and there is no help on the way.   Whether it’s primitive skills needed to survive in the wilderness, or techniques to maneuver in a non-permissive urban environment, this series will help you be prepared.  There are some things you can’t learn from a book or playing a video game, they have to be experienced.

This course will teach you how to move in an Urban environment. You will learn how to link up with others in your group, or another trusted individual. We will discuss utilizing force protection movement techniques, non-standard communications, contingency plans, and urban camouflage techniques. This seminar is required and prepares you for the practical exercise that will be held during the Urban Evasion Workshop.

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Topics Covered:

1. Urban Movement
2. Non-standard communications
3. Urban camouflage
4. Link-up procedures
5. Contingency planning

Instructor: Retired Green Beret

Length: 3 hours

Time: Varies

Type: Classroom

Audience: Everyone

Prerequisites: None

What to Bring: Pen and paper for notes

If you would like to be notified when new dates for this class are scheduled, sign up below.

PLEASE NOTE: If you need to purchase ammo, a good resource is Let them know you are taking a class with the LTAC.  They can ship it to us, and we will have it available on the day of the class, or they can ship it to you.  If you would like to have it shipped to us, please provide at least 7 days for it to arrive and be processed.

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