Trauma Tactics Level One: Injury Response in a Changing World

Trauma Tactics Level One: Injury Response in a Changing World

from $300.00

The world we know is changing, and not necessarily in the direction we would like it to. Car accidents and work injuries have been safety concerns for decades, but the last few years have given rise to shootings, riots, bombings, and more. Tragedy can strike at any moment, and in those moments of chaos and uncertainty we fall to the level of our training. The question is… will you be ready? It’s ok if you hesitated, this course is designed to prepare you to be ready.

This class will start with an introduction to the environments and situations in which you might be rendering care. Then, using the tried and tested MARCH method, we will cover the fundamentals of major bleeding control, airway and respiratory system management, as well as secondary bleeding assessment and management. We’ll cover patient stabilization for transport, and basics of environmental factors in the trauma patient. Lastly, we will discuss useful supplies to have when building your own kit, and touch on mass casualty scenarios.

This course is fantastic for teachers, church members, law enforcement officers, and business owners alike.

When Trauma Tactics Level Two: Kinetic Trauma Response is held on a consecutive day, students will receive a discount when signing up for both classes.

Days Attending:
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Length: One Day

Type: Classroom with Practical Application

Audience: Everyone

Prerequisites: None

What to Bring: Pen and paper for notes

Instructor: Special Operations Medic

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to care environment

  • Principles of MARCH process

  • Major bleeding control

  • Airway/respiratory system management

  • Patient stabilization and movement

  • Mass Casualty Overview

If you would like to be notified when new dates for this class are scheduled, sign up below.

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