
This intense three-day class will give you the building blocks of the proper ways to navigate buildings. You will learn how to properly search and clear a structure, both as part of a small team and as a lone responder. We will teach principles and techniques for when and why you should use speed, and when you should be slow and methodical. Also discussed will be equipment considerations, priority of life, basic mechanical breaching, in addition to the proper use of white light, as well as link-ups to prevent incidents of harm to other responders.

These topics will be covered in a classroom environment but with most of the time spent in the simulation lab.

The instruction will be led by US Army Special Forces instructors, and will consist of a “crawl, walk, run” type of instruction. Scenarios and Team based exercises will be clearly and concisely communicated to participants, who will then run the scenarios in a dry fire environment, followed by a Simunition and UTM-fire environment.

This class uses airsoft, sims, and UTM man-marking rounds. We will have all the protective equipment needed for the class. We will also have drop-in bolts for use in your AR-type Rifle to use the UTMs. That way you can use YOUR gun through the course of fire, getting the most out of the training.

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Class Details 

Class Length:  3 days
Audience:  Everyone
Prerequisites:  Level One rifle classes, or equivalent
Suggested Gear:

1. Rifle
2. Sling
3. Long pants with belt
4. Long-sleeve shirt
5. Gloves
6. Note-taking materials

Classroom topics include: 

1.    Principles of Close Quarters Combat
2.   Room Clearing Techniques (2- and 4-man teams)
3.   Single-fed and Corner-fed rooms
4.   Hallways
5.   Stairs
6.   Opposing Threats
7.   1-man active killer response (based on current FLETC model.)
8.   Force on Force exercises
9.   Small team stress scenarios


These topics will be covered in a classroom environment, but with most of the time spent in the simulation lab.


LTAC will utilize proven instruction methods based on US Army Special Forces training and scenarios. The instruction will be led by US Army Special Forces instructors, and will consist of a “crawl, walk, run” type of instruction. Scenarios and Team-based exercises will be clearly and concisely communicated to participants, who will then run the scenarios in a dry-fire environment, followed by a Simunition and UTM-fire environment. 

You will be given enough sims/UTM rounds for the class, but you will have the option onsite to purchase more if desired. 

Note: This is a Force-on-Force class, so your clothing can be stained by the man-marking rounds. If you do not have a face shield, we will provide one for you to use in class.

If you would like to be notified when new dates for this class are scheduled, sign up below.

PLEASE NOTE: If you need to purchase ammo, a good resource is AmmoSupplyWarehouse.com. Let them know you are taking a class with the LTAC.  They can ship it to us, and we will have it available on the day of the class, or they can ship it to you.  If you would like to have it shipped to us, please provide at least 7 days for it to arrive and be processed.

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