Building Sustainable Communities Event

Building Sustainable Communities Event


Our reach as individuals has expanded. We get our food and clothing from states or even oceans away. We stream information and entertainment from all over the world. We communicate with friends and strangers instantaneously from our homes, or from our phones, but what about the people that live ten miles, five miles, or even one mile away?

Do you live in a community that supports itself and its members? Can your community support itself and its members in an emergency, or if goods and supplies can’t be brought in from outside the immediate area? Do you know your neighbors? Do you know your community leaders? Do you have the ability to help and support your neighbors, or will you be a drain on those around you? How do we strengthen our communities? How do we, as individuals, become assets in our communities?

These are all questions that we would like to help you answer. Please join us for a special event with speakers and presentations that will give you the information you need to build strong, sustainable communities where you already live.

Please register for this free event by clicking Add to Cart and Checking Out. This will help us know how many people to expect. Thank you!

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Date: Apr. 16, 2022

Time: 10am-4pm (This will include breakout sessions for four topics. Participants will be able to attend any and all presentations they would like. There will be a one-hour lunch break. Lunch will not be provided, but can be brought or purchased nearby.)

Location: 216 Skyline Dr., Mechanicsburg, PA

Topics will include:

  • What is a Sustainable Community, and Why is it Necessary?

  • How Do We Build a Sustainable Community?

  • Tools for Discussion (How to Teach and Communicate with Community Members with different beliefs or ideologies)

  • How to Run for Local Office

  • Social Media Use

  • Learning How to Buy Locally

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