Are You Ready?


The events last week in Texas yet again show how delicate our First World nation really is.  I won’t waste the time here going into how the “green” energy is wholly ineffective.  What I will spend time on is that only you are responsible for you own well-being.


If the lights go out, what are you going to do? What can you actually do? Meaning what skills, resources and capabilities do you have to do something?  Our nation is in the middle of a culture war.  One side is being independent and self-sufficient; the other side, dependent and helpless. 

First off, I don’t care who you are, sometime in your life you will need the help and aid of others.  I know I have. That’s life. But, I believe we need to strive to be as self-sufficient as possible.  A little bit of forethought, a little bit of work, setting aside a little bit of extra food and water, spending a little bit of money on extra supplies can, and will, pay off big when an emergency arises.

How much does it cost to have extra blankets to help you stay warm? We found a surplus store where we bought 10 good wool blankets, cheap.  How much does it cost to get space blankets? You can get them for around $1 at any Walmart.  You can order really good ones online for around $6 per.  Do you have an alternate way to warm your home or a room in your home if there is no power? Kerosene heaters are a good and reasonably inexpensive option.  You must have the forethought to have a couple of containers for the fuel, too.  Do you have a generator? Do you have the knowledge how to hook it up to your home’s power? Do you have sufficient fuel properly stored and stabilized for it?


Do you have extra food set aside? I am a firm believer in doing so.  Do you have a way to prepare your food if there is no electricity? You can start simply by purchasing 3 cans if you need 2.  Set goals for yourself.  First 3 days, then a week, then a month.  Emergency food kits are great, but start first with food you already eat. 


Do you have water stored? What kind of containers?  Can you purify the water?  Life straws are not the best, but they can do the job.  You can buy them at any Walmart or Target for less than $15.  You can also pick up water purification tablets for next to nothing at the same places.  I see the pictures coming out of Texas with long lines for water and food handouts.  Some I know are in real need. Others? I have to wonder how many of them have 80-inch flat screen TVs.  How many of them have all kinds of “stuff” that is now worthless? 

My wife and I have been teaching Basic Emergency Food Storage for a number of years now.  We hold open enrollment classes a few times a year.  But we also travel.  We have taught these basic principles and techniques to different groups and churches.  If you’d like us to come and help you get started, to share some of the things we’ve learned and what we do, just email us.  We’d be happy to come spend an afternoon with you. 

You have to decide for yourself what kind of person you will be: self-sufficient or helpless.  As you become independent, you will then be able to help those who are in need.  This is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. 

