Manual Breaching

Manual Breaching


This One-Day class is designed to improve participant skills in making forced entry. Manual forced entry is a critical skill set for law enforcement for a variety of scenarios from routine duties, such as rendering medical aid to high-risk incidents, such as active shooter response. Many officers are issued manual tools but lack formal training in their use.

This course will be taught by subject matter experts who have years of experience. This experience is not just from teaching but with being the primary Breacher for a large full-time SWAT team. In addition to tool selection and target analysis, we will also cover the proper use of:

• Ram
• Sledge
• Halligan
• Bolt cutters
• Individual pry tools
• Hydraulic spreaders
• Farrell hook
• Fireman’s wedge

These topics will be covered in a classroom environment but with the majority of time spent in practical exercise. Tools will be provided, but students are also encouraged to bring their own, so as to get hands-on experience with their operational kit.

There is a 30-60 minute lunch break, with lunch being provided by LTAC.

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Class Details 

Instructors: US Army Special Forces veterans and full-time SWAT
Class Length:
  1 day
Audience:  Law Enforcement
Prerequisites:  LEOs ONLY
Suggested Gear:

1. Duty equipment
2. Note-taking material
3. Any personal or issued breaching equipment


PLEASE NOTE: If you need to purchase ammo, a good resource is Let them know you are taking a class with LTAC.  They can ship it to us, and we will have it available on the day of the class, or they can ship it to you.  If you would like to have it shipped to us, please provide at least 7 days for it to arrive and be processed.

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