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Concealed Carry Series - Day One

  • Lebanon County Police Combat Pistol Club 1855 Russell Road Lebanon, PA, 17046 (map)

For more info, and to register, click on the class title.

Concealed Carry Series - Day One

The Lodestone Training and Consulting Concealed Carry Series is designed to empower you to safely carry and defend yourself.   This series of classes will teach how to carry in the day-to-day world.  We will teach you principles or truths, then you will use what techniques work best for your life and circumstances.   These classes are paced to the student’s level of experience, so that no matter what skill level the student arrives with, the entire class succeeds.

Day One starts with an in-depth conversation about safety and how to carry.  We review the 8 principles of shooting, followed by a detailed explanation of the draw.  The class then moves to the firing line.  Starting with single shots, drills will work in a progressive manner until students are shooting from retention.  This day will give students a solid foundation to build on.  This class offers the perfect opportunity to become familiar with the ins and outs of concealed carry, and prepares them to carry a firearm in the defense of themselves and their family. 

The day consists of 1-2 hours of classroom instruction, followed by live fire instruction.  There is a 30-60 minute lunch break, with lunch being provided by LTAC.