Be a Woman Among Men

I couldn’t tell you exactly how many times I’ve heard a man in one of our classes say, “I’m trying to get my girlfriend to come take a class”, or a female acquaintance say, “My husband keeps trying to get me to go to a class”, but it happens a lot.

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Selecting Shotgun Ammunition

Despite its prolific nature, the shotgun is one of the most misunderstood defensive firearms. On no subject is this truer than when it comes to ammunition selection. Choosing the correct ammunition for a defensive shotgun is much the same as for handguns and rifles, but with a few criteria unique to the shotgun.

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Selecting Carbine Ammunition

I have read a great deal of discussion on the internet over which ammunition is best for your AR15. Much like pistol and shotgun ammunition, deciding upon a self-defense load is a straightforward task, provided you understand how you need the ammunition to perform. Here is what I feel are the basic criteria for an AR15 self-defense load.

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Turning Our Home into a Castle: Action

It is a cornerstone of western common law that a man’s home is his castle – both in the sense that he may feel secure within and defend same from intruders. However, just like concealed carry, home defense is a multilayered proposition, with deadly force as the final option.

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On the Range, Not the Road

I’ve been working a lot of range time the past couple of months. Combination of LTAC, Army, and Agency Contracts. Talk about a wide range of individuals and experience levels. One thing that has been common among all these classes is the individual, or individuals, that allow self-induced stress to beat them.

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Turning Our Home into a Castle: Lights

Lights are an excellent deterrent. It’s obvious -- bad guys want to stay in the concealment of the shadows. Having good lighting takes away an advantage from the bad guy and gives us increased security. In this article we’re going to go over two different ways to use lights to improve our security footprint.

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Abigail RossComment
Selecting Handgun Ammunition

Among all the emotionally charged topics discussed amongst firearms owners, little generates as much controversy as ammunition selection. This is by no means an exhaustive study on the subject. Rather, it is intended to provide the reader with a decent baseline from which to make informed decisions.

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